SME Sector

Running a small business or are you a freelancer? Then keeping a tight grip on finances is important for success. The role of SME in the economic development is vital. Beyond meeting the demand for the day-to-day goods and services of the majority of the population of almost all countries, we empower your SME with deep insights using our modern technology. 

Business plan

Tally bear helps you with your small and new businesses plan for the success of your sector. We will help you track your business progress.

Book keeping

Tally bear uses technology to ensure accuracy across all of our services. We provide you options for better management of your bookkeeping service.

Taxation services

We provide you the best taxation service with Tally bear.

Financial planning

Tally bear can help you master the basics and become more efficient at managing your money. We will help you discover ways to meet your long-term financial goals. Solve business accounting challenges with us.


The job of an auditor is of utmost importance. Tally bear helps you to streamline your auditing process. We ascertain the accuracy of your financial statements.

“The future of finance consulting is open wide before you”

Let's get in touch

Let's get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.